Highly motivated candidates with strong experimental background are encouraged to apply. Experience in any of the following fields is preferred: pulsed laser deposition or thin-film epitaxy by other vacuum techniques, thin-film characterization via diffraction and scanning probe microscopy, dielectric and ferroelectric device fabrication and property measurements in thin-film geometries. Candidates are welcome to send Prof. Xu an email, with their CV, a statement of research interest/proposed work, and specifying the names of 3 references.

Postdoctoral Scholars

Our laboratory is always looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students who are interested in working in the following areas:

  • Atomic-scale synthesis of emerging ferroic oxide thin-films, heterostructures, and membranes.

  • Domain mapping and diffraction studies of ferroic materials.

  • Energy-efficient devices for microelectronics and energy technologies.

Potential candidates are encouraged to apply to the PhD program at NC State. Students should directly reach out to Prof. Xu during the application process to discuss research interests and potential projects. Candidates from materials science, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering will all be considered for both the Spring and Fall application cycle. Prospective students are welcome to send Prof. Xu an email, with their CV and a statement of research interest.

Ph.D. Students

We also welcome enthusiastic undergraduate students who wish to join the group. Basic knowledge in materials science is a plus, but commitment to work in a team and participate in hands-on research projects is more important. We will give priority to students who are willing to commit for multi-semester/summer work. Interested students should send Prof. Xu an email with their CV to discuss possible activities.

Undergraduate Students